Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Institute Events and news
Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Geography of the Seas and Coasts"

Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Geography of the Seas and Coasts"

The 38th Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Geography of the Seas and Coasts" (AMK) of the Association for Geography and German-Speaking Universities and Research Institutions (VGDH) of the German Society for Geography will take place virtually from June 02 – 03, 2021.

The event is organised by the PhyGeo and the Ludwig Franzius Institute for Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering in collaboration with the AMK and EUCC-D - The Coastal Union Germany.

The thematic key areas of the Conference cover a wide range of coastal and marine geographic topics, including:

·         Coastal dynamics in the past, present and future

·         Land-sea interactions

·         Spatial mapping and analysis methods

·         Human-environmental systems and ecosystem services of the seas and coasts

·         Environmental problems and their management

·         Diverse marine and coastal uses

·         Integrated coastal zone management ICZM

Online registration (please not later than May 10, 2010) at:

Further information on the conference, the planned activities and the registration formalities can be found here (Pdf).

Published by Benjamin Burkhard