MOVE Webinar Series Part 3 – Martinique

As part of the EU MOVE project’s knowledge sharing, the University of Trento, in cooperation with the Regional Fund for Science and Technology Azores and the PhyGeo, launches a series of webinars regarding the activities and progress in the different project case study regions.

30.07.2020  15:00 - 16:00 CEST 

Deadline for registration: 28.07.2020

These webinars will offer a chance to:

a) Promote the exchange of information on the MAES process in the overseas territories;

b) Discuss relevant experiences among partners, regional stakeholders, and the general public. 

Participation is free, but registration is required. The third of seven MOVE webinars will focus on the Martinique case study: the presentation will address the preliminary work that links the ecological conditions of coral reef ecosystems to land-based anthropogenic pressures and the provision of ecosystem services in Martinique.


Webinar agenda

15:00 - 15:05

Welcome to participants and introductory notes


Case study presentation: Martinique

Jean-Philippe-Maréchal (Nova Blue Environment) & Ewan Trégarot (University of Portsmouth)

15:35 - 15:50

   Q&A session 

15:50 - 16:00

­   Concluding remarks



Facebook: MOVEProject2018

Twitter: @MOVEProject2018

Published by Benjamin Burkhard