Publikationen AG Digitale Landschaftsökologie

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Zabelskyte, G., Kabisch, N., & Stasiskiene, Z. (2022). Patterns of Urban Green Space Use Applying Social Media Data: A Systematic Literature Review. Land, 11(2), Artikel 238.


Baró, F., Langemeyer, J., Łaszkiewicz, E., & Kabisch, N. (2021). Editorial to the special issue “Advancing urban ecosystem service implementation and assessment considering different dimensions of environmental justice”. Environmental Science and Policy, 115, 43-46. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Frantzeskaki, N., McPhearson, T., & Kabisch, N. (2021). Urban sustainability science: prospects for innovations through a system’s perspective, relational and transformations’ approaches: This article belongs to Ambio’s 50th Anniversary Collection. Theme: Urbanization. AMBIO, 50(9), 1650-1658. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R., Brenck, M. E., Haase, D., Lausch, A., Luttkus, M. L., Mueller, T., Remmler, P., von Döhren, P., Voigtländer, J., & Bumberger, J. (2021). A methodological framework for the assessment of regulating and recreational ecosystem services in urban parks under heat and drought conditions. Ecosystems and People, 17(1), 464-475.
Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R., Masztalerz, O., Hemmerling, J., Püffel, C., & Haase, D. (2021). Impact of summer heat on urban park visitation, perceived health and ecosystem service appreciation. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 60, Artikel 127058. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Kabisch, N., Püffel, C., Masztalerz, O., Hemmerling, J., & Kraemer, R. (2021). Physiological and psychological effects of visits to different urban green and street environments in older people: A field experiment in a dense inner-city area. Landscape and urban planning, 207, Artikel 103998.
Kraemer, R., & Kabisch, N. (2021). Parks in context: Advancing citywide spatial quality assessments of urban green spaces using fine-scaled indicators. Ecology and society, 26(2), Artikel 45.
Marselle, M. R., Hartig, T., Cox, D. T. C., de Bell, S., Knapp, S., Lindley, S., Triguero-Mas, M., Böhning-Gaese, K., Braubach, M., Cook, P. A., de Vries, S., Heintz-Buschart, A., Hofmann, M., Irvine, K. N., Kabisch, N., Kolek, F., Kraemer, R., Markevych, I., Martens, D., ... Bonn, A. (2021). Pathways linking biodiversity to human health: A conceptual framework. Environment international, 150, Artikel 106420. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Schröter, M., Crouzat, E., Hölting, L., Massenberg, J., Rode, J., Hanisch, M., Kabisch, N., Palliwoda, J., Priess, J. A., Seppelt, R., & Beckmann, M. (2021). Assumptions in ecosystem service assessments: Increasing transparency for conservation. AMBIO, 50(2), 289-300.
Schwarz, N., Haase, A., Haase, D., Kabisch, N., Kabisch, S., Liebelt, V., Rink, D., Strohbach, M. W., Welz, J., & Wolff, M. (2021). How are urban green spaces and residential development related? A synopsis of multi-perspective analyses for Leipzig, Germany. Land, 10(6), Artikel 630.